Choose your Plan

Please review our plans and select the one that best suits your needs.

Remember that our basic plan allows you to post one Free job offer every 30 days.
Basic Silver
Gold The Best plan to start!
Pro Business
Price (per month) FREE $59.95 $129.95 $499.95
Job offers per month 1 1 3 Unlimited
Job offers per month 1 1 3 Unlimited
Direct contacts with candidates per job offer 3 10 30 Unlimited
Upload & Keep CVs from external resources Up to 25 Up to 100 Up to 500
Advanced search of candidates on any industry Yes
Receive and manage your applicants’ CVs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Email & Chat support * Yes Yes Yes Yes
Phone support * Yes
Register Register Register

Powerful solution

Fyltra provides the most powerful tool for online recruiting in the region. Use our site as database and keep all your CVs in one single place. Add notes, filter your searches and receive constant feedback during each selection process.

Easy to use

Whether you are a small company or a recruiting agency in the need to find personnel you will find our system fresh and easy to use. Post jobs, manage applicants or search for the perfect candidate faster.

Have a website yet? If not, don’t worry!

Create your own enterprise public profile and maintain an online presence at no cost. Find out what's the reaction of the users to your company with our alerts and system notifications. You will receive constant feedback of jobs activity and your company profile, so pay attention.

* Support working hours (GMT –5):
Monday – Friday: 7 AM – 4 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 11 PM

If you wish to take a deeper look to all our functions please visit our features page.