Verify your Account

$5.95 for 90 days

What is a verified user?

At Fyltra we offer jobseekers the option to prove the veracity of all their job experience, education and complementary details in order to reduce the workload for companies and recruiters. Verifying your account is a simple and optional process that costs $5.95 and it's valid for 90 days.

How to recognize a verified user?

All verified accounts will show a stamp Verified user which will be placed on your profile besides your picture or avatar.

What are the advantages of becoming a verified user?

Apart from portraying yourself as a serious and solid candidate, verified users will always show their Verified status in candidate search results.

What do I need to get verified?

As you already know this is a paid feature so in order to begin the verification process you need to fill out the payment form located at the bottom of this page.

Fill out the form below to verify your account:

Visa Master
CCV is a 3-digit number printed on the back of your card.