Site Manager Features:

Site Manager Lite
Site Manager

Mass Domain Deployment

Ability to deploy thousands of websites using one simple function. Lite version has a limit of five active domains.
Yes limit of 5 active domains Yes

Mass Domain Deployment

Content is generated from user-provided comma-separated value files that can be used across multiple domains.
Yes Yes

Token Management System

Tokens are used to define the placement of content in the website. SSM provides functionality to manage token lists.
Yes Yes

Template Management System

Templates are HTML format with PHP functionality. SSM allows for an unlimited number of templates to be utilized across domains.
Yes Yes

Reporting Across All Domains

Reporting can be conducted at a server level across all domains to determine overall traffic to all sites.
Yes Yes

Detailed Domain Reporting

Detailed reporting can be conducted by drilling down into a specific domain for information specific to that site.
Yes Yes

Domain Management System

Domains can be edited, categorized, and copied in real-time with changes being reflected on the sites immediately.
Yes Yes
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